Here is the place where you can post your "Five Frame Stories" from class this week.

What happened on the camping trip?
What were Blair and Serena thinking about?
How did the young woman get a ride on this man's bicycle?
What was the man thinking after the bird pooped on his head?
I look forward to reading your stories!
Don't forget to include ALL the students' names and student numbers in your group when you post your story!
See you next week.
They plan to trip hawai. they were prepared camping tools and car. And then thet took a boat.
ReplyDeleteThey are happay just thinking about traveling. But when they were sailing they attacked by big gulls. they were surprised and imbarrassed. and then the boat was wrecked.
they were shipwreced with camping tools and car. they were explored the island and they knew the island is uninhabited island! they felt terrible.
But one brave man told to them. we can survive. lets pitch a tent and make a wooden ship.
He led the people and they were followd. they were cuting a tree and try to make woodenship.
they can escape the island? guess it! -fin-
20062679 오선영 20081193 이철오 20082535 조한준
ReplyDeleteDaddy wanted riding a bicycle with his daughter.
So, Daddy rent bicycle for they riding a bicycle.
And then, daddy made contacted his daughter over a phone.
So, his daughter was here to meet him.
They had a great time by riding a bicycle.
Then, daddy leaved his place of work because owing to unavoidable.
So, PETTY called on the phone to LOOPY.
While PETTY was waiting Loopy, She exchanged tandem bicycle for solo bicycle.
After that, PETTY met LOOPY.
But, PETTY was not good at ride a bicycle.
So, LOOPY helped her riding a bicycle.
As time goes by, PETTY began to ride a bicycle much better.
So, they had a good time.
There was a big city, the name of it is Sin-chang city. A city have many people who losted their own job.
ReplyDeleteAnd there was 2 women, Blair and Serena applied at same company.
They were waiting for a phone call if they were accepted to the company or not. Both they were so nervoused and anxioused.
Then a mail received to them. Unfortunately Serena couldn't got a job. Blair was so happy. She was laughed out for congratulation herself.
But Serena was pissed off to company. She call to boss of the company and asked why she failed at job competition.
Then He told her 'It's very simple problem. The company is mine, and Blair is a girl of my style'
1.One day a girl nameed Gini learned to ride bike with the help of her friends。
ReplyDelete2.When her friends went to take back the bag
Gini met a man riding a bicycle
3.She very pleased to play with the man riding a bike together
4When her friend came back could not find her and called her
5.She came back to continue learning how to ride a bike the help of her friend
20093268윤현명, 20093288홍철화, 20083356김재중, 20083378 정성훈
ReplyDelete1.when he did meet a girlfriend, he was eating a chicken in KFC
2.when his girlfriend come to KFC for meeting him, she said " hey, did you eat chicken alone? didn`t propose that eat chicken together?" he said "I don`t eat chicken alone"
"I can smell perfume of chicken. don`t lie"
"It`s not of you business. be quite"
3.he and she go to outside at KFC. when they did dispute that he ate chicken, a bird see it at outside. who can`t that he was lying., bird was excrete feces which is fucking disgusting to his head. He said "son of a bitch, damn it"
5.she did see his boyfriend was attacked to bird and she said "good"
The first date he was supposed to meet him at the beach. I like him too much of the time, went out too early. Waiting for him wirh the wind and see gulls.
ReplyDeleteHe was staring at someone at that moment, she thought his profile was handsome her hear was beating fast.
Although it was a short time, she felt like it was long. She thought,"I might like him". So, she continually watched him.
After that, they were sightseeing everywhere. They were talking everythings about themselves. When they were setting in a travelling ship, She said:" What do you think avout me?" At that time, he was so hesitate and silent. "люблю ваш!(->I like you )" she said. "What?" He said.
she said:" nothing, just my hometown language! don't care about that!"
How fast time flies, they should say goodbye. they were going to a fast-restarant to ate dinner. She take a photo by He. They had a good time at that day.