Thursday, September 17, 2009

Unit 2: Which restaurant is better?

This week, we talked about food, and how we compare different flavors (tastes) and textures (feeling). For your blog post this week, I want you to use what we talked about to compare two restaurants that you probably know very well here in Shinchang:

Kim Bap Cheon Guk (김밥천국)...

...and Kim Bap Na Ra (김밥나라).

Which restaurant is better? Why?

Please post your comment and write at least 50 words (5 or 6 sentences) here, before our next class together. I am interested to know your opinion!



  1. (1) Kim Bap Na Ra is bigger and larger and wider than Kim Bap Cheon Guk.
    (2) Kim Bap Cheon Guk rice is more delicious than Kim Bap Na Ra rice.
    (3) Kim Bap Na Ra has many side dishes than Kim Bap Cheon Guk.
    (4) Kim Bap Na Ra has nicer air cooling facility than Kim Bap Cheon Guk.
    (5) Kim Bap Na Ra is more crowded than Kim Bap Cheon Guk. Beacause Kim Bap Na Ra is more a lot of food is delicious than Kim Bap Cheon Guk.
    (6) Sometims, Kim Bap Na ra is cheaper than Kim Bap Cheon Guk.
    (7) Kim Bap Na ra has nicer menu board than Kim Bap Cheon Guk.

  2. Cheung Miutam-20072101September 19, 2009 at 3:44 PM

    I think the Kim Bap Na Ra better than the Kim Bap Cheon Guk.
    Because Kim Bap Na Ra's type of dish meal more than the Kim Bap Cheon Guk.
    Kim Bap Na Ra's health condition is better than Kim Bap Cheon Guk.
    Kim Bap Na Ra's space is bigger than the Kim Bap Cheon Guk.
    And some kind of the same food that Kim Bap Na Ra is more delicious and cheaper than the Kim Bap Cheon Guk
    So, I think Kim Bap Na Ra is and my friends like to go there

  3. I think kimbab nara is better than kimbab cheonguk. Because kimbab nara's food is more delicious. And space is more bigger than kimbab cheonguk. and nara's food is more larger than cunguk's. And employees are more kind. So i think kimbab nara is better than kimbab cheonguk.

  4. I think kimbab nara is better than kimbab cheonguk. Kimbab nara is more delicious than kimbab cheonguk. And Kimbab nara is more variety food manu.And Kimbab nara is more guality food. At last Kimbab nara is cleaner than Kimbab Cheonguk.

  5. Kimbab Nara has more food menus than Kimbab Chenonguk.And Kimbab Nara's employees is more kinder than Kimbab Chenonguk's mployees. Kimbab Nara's food is faster than Kimbab Chenonguk's food. Kimbab Nara's food is bigger than Kimbab Chenonguk's food.
    So I think Kimbab Nara is better than Kimbab Chenonguk.

  6. Kimbab Nara is better than Kimbab Chenonguk.
    Because Kimbab Nara is a lot of dishes.
    And Kimbab Nara is more delicious than Kimbab Chenonguk.
    Kimbab Nara is more clear than Kimbab Chenonguk.
    Kimbab Nara is larger than Kimbab Chenonguk.
    Many people look up the Kimbab Nara.

  7. Fang yuan yuan 20092759September 22, 2009 at 5:53 PM

    I think Kimbab Nara is better than Kimbab Chenonguk.There are many reasons.The best reason is I'm a Chinese people.If you have been to Kimbab Nara ,you must kown why do I say that.Kimbab Nara's cooks and waiters are all Chinese.In there,you can eat many Chinese dishes,for the Chinese people,in there can feel like in the home.So I like Kimbab Nara than Kimbab Chenonguk.

  8. Kimbab heaven is better than kimbob world
    because kimbab heaven`s main manu is taster than kimbab world kimbab world`s dishes is good. I think main manu is important than dishes.

  9. I think kimbabnara is better then kimbabcheonguk. Becouse kimbabnara have a many side dishs. And this side dishs everyday is changed. This point is very good. But kimbabcheonguk don't have a many side dishs. Everyday is same side dishs. And it's a little. This is my reason.

  10. I think Gimbabnara is better than Gimbabcheon gug. Because Gimbabnara`s clerks are very kind, and Gimbabnara`s menus are delicious than Gimbabcheongug. also, Gimbabnara is bigger than Gimbab cheon gug, so we eat some foods more comfortably than gimbabcheongug.
    Finally, Gimbabnara`s dessert(peppermint candy) is more delicious than Gimbabcheongug`s fruit candy.

  11. It's very difficult to compare these two fabulous restaurants. Each two restaurant has various menu, good taste and cheap price. And they're too closed like as twins (at Sin chang). But if i should choice just one, it'll be Kim Bap Cheon Guk. Because the Bi Bim Bap (비빔밥) in Kim Bap Cheon Guk is better than Kim Bap Na Ra. For all that they have many similar aspects, i can't loose that wonderful taste.

  12. I think Gimbabnara is better than Gimbabcheon guk. Because Gimbabnara space is bigger than Gimbabcheonguk. Also Gimbabnara menus are delicious than Gimbabcheonguk. And Kimbabnara is more clear than Gimbabcheonguk. This is my reasons.

  13. I think kimbab nara is better than kimbab cheonguk. Because Sometims, Kim Bap Na ra is cheaper than Kim Bap Cheon Guk.And Kimbab Nara has more food menus than Kimbab Chenonguk.
    Kimbab Nara is more clear than Kimbab Chenonguk.And Gimbabnara space is bigger than Gimbabcheonguk.

  14. Kimbap Nara is better than Kimbap Cheonguk.
    There are two reasons. Kimbap Nara`s side dish is more abundant than Kimbap Cheonguk`s side dish. And If you choose a side dish,width of your side dish`s choice is extensive. Kimbap Nara`s food is more delicious than Kimbap Cheonguk`s food. And Kimbap Nara`s side dish are delicious too.
    20081090 용환동(Yong Hwan Dong)

  15. It is Kimbap nara than Kimbap Cheonguk chair is comfortable and a dish is tastier.
    A section of a dish added, and there is a lot of but taste bad.And a transfer taste of food is better.

    p.s A professor Home page access does not work yesterday.Being sorry

  16. Kimbap Cheonguk in front of a school,Chinese seem to operate it.Therefore, there is a lot of that food was greasy. But I am stuck to a Kimbap nara appetite. A dish is delicious much more and price is cheaper.
    Home page access did not work, and was inferior to an assignment yesterday being sorry.

  17. 윤천중[20093414] 윤펀명[20093268] Emily[20081544]October 15, 2009 at 11:55 AM

    [In the Neighboorhood]-Shinchang-Environment

    Shinchang is the cery beautiful village. Here is not many high-rise buildings but there's so much greenery. If you walk around in SoonChunHyang University, you can realize the natural world nerar by you. Maybe you can see any lovely rabbits in the grassland. And every year at May, so many people will come here to view cherry blossoms. Here is no traffic james. But there is so many trucks thoroughfare on the streets, so if you cross the road you should be careful because speed is so fast!^^If you want to live in a healthy place, Shinchang is your best choice. Come and visit Shinchang!
