Saturday, September 26, 2009

Unit 3: Watching the Detectives

Detective stories are very popular in American movies. James Bond is probably the most famous crime-solving movie character. This character has been in 22 movies, from 1962 until now. The next James Bond movie will come to theatres in 2011.

When I was a little girl (a long time ago!), the most popular detective movie was The Pink Panther. The Pink Panther movies were comedies, about a clumsy French detective, Inspector Clouseau (played by British actor Peter Sellers).

Charlie's Angels was a detective show famous for its sexy female detectives (played by Jaclyn Smith, Kate Jackson, Cheryl Ladd, and Farrah Fawcett). This show was on TV in the 1970s.

In the 1990s, Canadian comedian Mike Myers created the character Austin Powers - a time-traveling British "ladies' man" who always tried to stop Dr. Evil (who was also played by Mike Myers). These movies are called "spoofs" because they make fun of the James Bond movies of the 1960s.

CSI is probably the most popular detective TV show nowadays. The show CSI is actually many different series that take place in different American cities and have different characters. The theme songs ("OST") for these shows all comes from British rock band "The Who" - most of these theme songs are older songs that were famous in the 1970s.

This week's blog post:
Tell me about Korean and Chinese "detective" movies. Do you like detective movies? What is your favorite movie? Tell me about the detective character (please use 50 words or more). Are Korean detective movies at all like western-style detective movies? What are Chinese detective movies like?


  1. Cheung Miutam-20072101September 27, 2009 at 5:12 PM

    sorry,i'm a china student,I do not quite understand the South Korean detective."Police Story" is my favorite movie(played by jackie chan) It's made the Story combined with the fight,Those stunts are realistic,Hollywood's special photographic technology and can not be replaced, it is the filming of this adventurous spirit of the heroes and the real heroes well, we will become something most proud of Jackie Chan.Because of cultural differences between East and West,Korean detective movies are not at all like western-style detective movies.

  2. Hi Cheung Miutam -

    I'm sorry - I forgot that not all of my students are from Korea! Thanks for telling me about your favorite Jackie Chan movie. I like Jackie Chan a lot, too. Most of my friends only saw the movies he made in Hollywood, so we wanted to see movies he made in China, when he was younger. We were very impressed with his early movies!


  3. My favorate detective movie is 박수칠때 떠나라.
    Detective movie in korea's mood is horror. Korean detective 차승헌 search a murdurer. He have a good insight and smart.But he cannot solve the problem. Last sene he find a critical crew. And he know the true. No murderer in event. Victim is suicide! I like inversion like this movie. So i lke movie 박수칠때 떠나라.

  4. My favorite Korean detective movie is 추격자(choo gyuk ja, A Chaser). This movie`s performer is Kim Yun-Seok, Ha Jung-Woo...
    This guys was not famous before, but A Chaser was loved by a lot of spectators, so they become most famous and loved actors in Korea.
    This movie is very interesting and thrilling.
    So I`d like to say a good word for A Chaser to many people

  5. My favorite Korean detective movie is 흑수선. THis movie's performer is Lee Jeong-jae, Lee Mi-yeon. This movie's story is investigating one old person's muder. The movie's end is die Lee Mi-yeon that kills one old person. This movie's atmosphere is tregedy and mystery.
    This movie is masterpiece and I like this movie. SO I think Western movie and Koren movie is different. Because I think Korean movie prefers story and lacks video technique, Western movie is reverse.

  6. My favorite Korean detective movie 그림자살인. This movie's perfomer is Hawng jeong min, Um ji won...
    This movie expectation was large, but story is easy. This movie's story is solved some problems, but didn't solved problems murdered continuously happens.
    This movie thrlls overflow.
    I think Western detective movie is more interesting than Korean detective movie. Because Korea don't have many detective movies.

  7. The movie that I watched the most interesting is 그림자 살인(shadow murder). The 그림자 살인 is a detective movie. The favorite stars Hwangjeongmin and Eomjiwon these two actors starred in the film.
    Background of this movie is the choson Dynasty period. Twin brothers are hero of the movie.
    Its ending is extremely ironic .but it's a hilarious movie.
    I think Western movie is more scary than Western movie.^^

  8. Korean detective movie is Private eye. I only know this movis that is detective movie.
    In Private eye, Main Actor is JungMin Hwang, Duckhwan Ryu, JiWeon Um, Dalsu Oh. JungMin is detective, Duckhwan Ryu is doctor, JiWeon is lady invator. Well, I think Korean detective movies like western-style detective movies but all like western-style movies. I don`t like chinese movie so I don`t know Chinese detective Movies.

  9. 20081090 Yong Hwan DongSeptember 30, 2009 at 12:45 AM

    I like detective movie because solving a matter is interesting. My favorite detective movie is 세븐데이즈(seven days). This movie`s story is saving heroine`s daughter. So at first, this movie`s story seems horror story. But this movie make funny because this movie have many reversion. Heroin` name is 김윤진(KIM Yun Jin). Her job is excellent lawyer.
    She must change homicide to innocence for seven days because saving her daughther. In
    conclusion part,there is a enormous reversion. This reversion is impressive part in this movie.

  10. i choose "the chaser".this moive is very famous.i heard that the moive had production cost.but the movie earn many money.
    the reason i like the moive is very exciting.
    specially,the 2 protagoist's acting is relity.
    and i dont like chiness movie.

  11. 20093432 LeeJungHunOctober 6, 2009 at 7:56 PM

    My favorite Korean detective movie is 핸드폰.
    This movie`s performer is 박용우, 엄태웅......
    The moive story is about cell phone.
    The plot of a moive is one man lost his cell phone and another man drop it.
    This movie genre is thriller.
    So, when i watched movie very exciting and
    the level of tension is high.
    So i like movie 핸드폰.

  12. My favorite Korean detective movie is 그림자 살인 (Private Eye).
    The favorite stars Hwangjeongmin and Eomjiwon these two actors starred in the film.
    This movie's the performances by the casts were great.
    Especially, Hwangjeongmin is both good at his appearance and acting than other actors.
    This movie's story with begin is big brother killed stab a his little brother when in the circus.
    The time kept going on, the movie's end was so especial, and it is scared.
    Background of this movie is the end of the Joseon Dynasty period.
    This movie's atmosphere is comical and interesting but it is cruel and thrilling, too.
    So l favorite 그림자 살인 (Private Eye)movie in korean detective movies.
    I think Western detective movie is more delicate and calmly than Korean detective movie.
    And Korean detective movie is more faster and dynamical than Western detective movie.

  13. Sorry,I'm late for this comment.Like all the Chinese people,I like Jackie chan's detective movies.He direct a lot of movies,but the movie"Mythology" gives me the best image.It's have mysterious story and beautiful tableau.The people who want to have the medicine which can make he live forever,and Jackie chan search his dreams,two goals makes the detective movies.I don't know a lot of the Korea's movies,but if you want to know Chinese movies,you can watch Jackie chan's movies first.

  14. Sorry,I'm late for this comment. My favorite Korean detective movie 범죄의 재구성. This movie's perfomer is 박신양,염정아,백윤식...
    This movie is anti-war a lot of movie.
    And extension of 박신양 was a true notification.Therefore, I watched these three times of movie.Really this movie is the highest masterpiece.

  15. Reply late, and is sweet being sorry.A favorite detective movie is 추격자.
    A famous actor of this movie is 김윤석 하정우 this.This movie is cruel a little.But I was interested really in a thrill and an action.Therefore, I like really this movie.

  16. I'm sorry. I'm late this comment. I like detecive movie is 추격자. this movie is cruel,nteresting,Exciting. this movie Director
    is 나홍진. and actor is 김윤석 하정우.Good actors acting.I recommend this movie for you

  17. I'm sorry. I'm late this comment. I like detecive movie is 추격자. this movie is cruel,nteresting,Exciting. this movie Director
    is 나홍진. and actor is 김윤석 하정우.Good actors acting.I recommend this movie for you
