We learned about palm-reading in class this week. I thought it was interesting to see how everyone's hands are so different. Now, I want you to take what you discovered and try using the future expressions we learned in class. Tell me about what kinds of things you saw about your past, present, and future on your palm. Here is a copy of the hand-out if you lost yours.

What are some other methods people use to predict their future?

Runes were stones used by ancient western European groups to predict the future. The symbols on the stones represent the ancient Runic alphabet, which was an alphabet used in places that are now England, France, and Scandinavia. Some people interested in Anglo-Saxon and Nordic traditional culture still use them today - mostly for fun.

Tarot cards can be traced back to 14th century Italy. Many think they originated in Egypt or the Middle East. The each card has different symbols on it to represent life, love, change, and death. Many people still enjoy having tarot card readings for fun.
Although most people don't believe that stones, cards, palms, or cards can predict your destiny, many people still think it's fun to read and learn about what might happen in their futures. What do you think?
Remember to practice definite/indefinite time expressions (page 61) and simple future tenses (page 64). Have fun!